Sunday, October 6, 2024

The Best Snow Guards for Metal Roofs

by Christina

The best snow guards for metal roofs

Fondue. Skiing. Yodeling.

In an area of the globe both notoriously known for severe winter weather and notably known for the world’s best engineering, it stands to reason this place would produce the world’s best snow abatement systems…which indeed it does.

What is it that makes a properly designed snow abatement system? Well, to answer that question, let’s go back to its low-tech roots.

If you have ever had the good fortune to drive through the Alps, you have seen strategically placed boulders and perhaps even logs covering the roofs of many of the rustic dwellings along side the road. So why this centuries old practice?

As you are likely aware, snow is comprised of 98% air which we all know to be one of the greatest ways to insulate a building. Keeping snow on the roof therefore, makes a great deal of sense.

In addition to insulation and energy efficiency, a proper snow abatement system prevents destructive and dangerous roof avalanches and even prevents damage to the roof itself. The old-fashioned rock on the roof method did a pretty good job with these tasks. Water would freeze to the rocks effectively keeping them on the roof and the snow would then pile up and stay put from that point.

Well, we live in the future and most buildings demand more than mere rocks can give. While so many “modern advances” widely sold in the U.S. have actually regressed from the efficacy of these old systems, generations of German engineers have been perfecting solutions for our modern world. And we have the absolute best of those efforts to share with you.

So what then, are the features that make up a good system?

The photo below showing our German-engineered systems for a stainless steel standing seam roof was taken in a resort in the high Alps at the end of June. If snow is this apparent in the summer, imagine the volume this place can expect in the winter!

Here you can see a close-up of our snow hooks for our interlocking shingle system.

We have personal, practical experience with snow hook systems similar to ours in looks, but which are frighteningly flimsy. Despite claims they hold back tons of snow, we step on them and they bend.

Not ours! Take a look!

Do no harm
In the Hippocratic Oath, doctors swear to practice medicine ethically and honestly. A passage states, “I will prescribe regimens for the good of my patients according to my ability and my judgment and never do harm to anyone.” Though these days there are no legal obligations to swear oaths, almost all medical students in the U.S. do swear to some version of this oath before graduating.

Doctors, architects and contractors are all in regulated professions where knowledge and ethics are paramount. If do no harm is a key tenet to our practices, why then even consider using systems built to puncture the roof, tear off pieces of the roof due to poor design, bend the roof panels, or lull clients in to a false sense of security that they are protected?

If you were a doctor and you knew that a medication your client was taking had harmful, even potentially fatal side effects as opposed to another available medication which was proven effective without those negative side effects, would you educate your client and let him know about this better option? Of course you would! Minor cost differences, or how widespread the use of the offending medication would make no difference at all in your choice to change your patient’s regimen.

Our systems are cost effective and just, well…effective. Call us to find out more information on how our snow abatement systems are technically superior to any other system on the market today. See the difference for yourself .

Winter weather is upon us! Call today! 801-462-5264

To learn more about our snow abatement systems for standing seam roofs, click here: https://finemetalrooftech.com/products/standing-seam-system/standing-seam-accessories/snow-guards/
Find out more about our snow guards for metal shingle roofs here: https://finemetalrooftech.com/products/metal-shingles/shingle-accessories/snow-hooks/

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