Sunday, October 6, 2024

Duplex stainless steel

by Christina

For our clients in extremely corrosive / polluted /salient environments, duplex stainless steel is the correct choice for roof and wall.

Duplex is a special grade or “recipe” of stainless steel that offers stain and corrosion resistance beyond even the 316 grade. Duplex stainless steel will remain stain and rust and corrosion free for the life of the material.

Clients in areas with unusual air borne contaminants such as towns next to oil fields or refineries love Duplex.

Case in point. The following is a copper (yes, real copper) steeple in an area proximal to oil fields. After a few short years, instead of developing a standard patina, the copper developed a dark, almost black, sludgy finish.

Duplex stainless material is ideal in these circumstances as it offers a clean and clear look even among pollutants. Worst case scenario involves occasional pressure washing, but the material itself will stay bright and clear.

Without question, our clients with homes and buildings right on the coast love Duplex. Finding solutions whether metal or not for buildings directly on salt water can prove challenging. Duplex is one of only a handful of materials that can offer extremely long lifespans even when right next to the ocean. With Duplex, you can plan on hundreds of years of maintenance-free protection.

Our Duplex material can come in a variety of architectural finishes, most popular of which would be 2E mill finish or a blasted finish offering a more matte outcome.

If you have a project in a corrosive region and need solutions, ask us about how Duplex can solve for your every need.

Call today!

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